Sunday, July 7, 2013

Encapsuation is not data hiding and it is different from Abstraction

Encapsulation refers to the bundling of data with the methods that operate on that data. Often that definition is misconstrued to mean that the data is somehow hidden. In Java, you can have encapsulated data that is not hidden at all.
The language facility that bundles data with the operations that perform on that data is encapsulation. Note that encapsulation guarantees neither data protection nor information hiding. Nor does encapsulation ensure a cohesive class design. To achieve those quality design attributes requires techniques beyond the encapsulation provided by the language. As currently implemented, class Position doesn't contain superfluous or nonrelated data and methods, but Position does expose both latitude and longitude in raw form. That allows any client of class Position to directly change either internal data item without any intervention by Position. Clearly, encapsulation is not enough. 
In Java, encapsulation is implemented by hiding details using the accessibility modifiers (i.e. public, protected, private, etc.). With these levels of accessibility you control the level of information hiding. The less restrictive the level, the more expensive change is when it happens and the more coupled the class is with other dependent classes (i.e. user classes, subclasses).

The Role of Abstraction

That's why, in my opinion, to really understand encapsulation, one must first understand abstraction.
Think, for example, in the level of abstraction in the concept of a car. A car is complex in its internal implementation. They have several subsystem, like a transmission system, a break system, a fuel system, etc.
However, we have simplified its abstraction, and we interact with all cars in the world through the public interface of their abstraction. We know that all cars have a steering wheel through which we control direction, they have a pedal that when you press it you accelerate the car and control speed, and another that when you press it you make it stop, and you have a gear stick that let you control if you go forward of backward. These features constitute the public interface of the car abstraction. In the morning you can drive a sedan and then get out of it and drive an SUV in the afternoon as if it was the same thing.
It is not that you cannot open the hood and see how it all works. However, few of us know the details of how all these underlying features are implemented under the hood, and the truth is that we do not need to know the details to drive a car. All these things are encapsulated under the car abstraction. We only need to know the public interface of the abstraction.
Think of the time when cars did not have a hydraulics directional system. One day, the car manufactures invented it, and they decide it to put it in cars from there on. Still, this did not change the way in which users where interacting with them. At most, users experienced an improvement in the use of the directional system. A change like this was possible because the internal implementation of a car was encapsulated.
This clearly demonstrates that by hiding the details of how the directional systems was implemented, they could safely change it without affecting the public interface of the car and, correspondingly, without affecting the way users interacted with it.
Now, think that car manufactures decided to put the fuel cap below the car, and not in one of its sides. You go and buy one of these new cars, and when you run out of gas you go to the gas station, and you do not find the fuel cap. Suddenly you realize is below the car, but you cannot reach it with the gas pump hose. Now, we have broken the public interface contract, and therefore, the entire world breaks, it falls apart because things are not working the way it was expected. A change like this would cost millions. We would need to change all gas pumps in the world. When we break encapsulation we have to pay a price.
So, as you can see, the goal of encapsulation is to minimize interdependence and facilitate change. You maximize encapsulation by minimizing the exposure of implementation details. The state of a class should only be accessed through its public interface.
The beauty of encapsulation is the power of changing things without affecting its users.

Encapsulation is nothing but protecting anything which is prone to change. rational behind encapsulation is that if any functionality which is well encapsulated in code i.e maintained in just one place and not scattered around code is easy to change.
Suppose we have a class Loan has a constructor and than in various classes you have created instance of loan by using this constructor. now requirements change and you need to include age of borrower as well while taking loan. Since this code is not well encapsulated i.e. not confined in one place you need to change everywhere you are calling this constructor i.e. for one change you need to modify several file instead of just one file which is more error prone and tedious.Wouldn't it be better if you only need to make change at one place ? Yes that is possible if we encapsulate Loan creation logic in one method say createLoan() and client code call this method and this method internally crate Loan object. in this case you only need to modify this method instead of all client code.
Example of Encapsulation in Java
class Loan{
    private int duration;  //private variables examples of encapsulation
    private String loan;
    private String borrower;
    private String salary;
    //public constructor can break encapsulation instead use factory method
    private Loan(int duration, String loan, String borrower, String salary){
        this.duration = duration; = loan;
        this.borrower = borrower;
        this.salary = salary;
    //no argument consustructor omitted here
   // create loan can encapsulate loan creation logic
    public Loan createLoan(String loanType){
     //processing based on loan type and than returning loan object
      return loan;
In this same example of Encapsulation in Java you see all member variables are made private so they are well encapsulated you can only change or access this variable directly inside this class. if you want to allow outside world to access these variables is better creating a getter and setter e.g. getLoan() that allows you to do any kind of validation, security check before return loan so it gives you complete control of whatever you want to do and single channel of access for client which is controlled and managed.

Advantage of Encapsulation in Java and OOPS

Here are few advantages of using Encapsulation while writing code in Java or any Object oriented programming language:
1. Encapsulated Code is more flexible and easy to change with new requirements.
2. Encapsulation in Java makes unit testing easy.
3. Encapsulation in Java allows you to control who can access what.
4. Encapsulation also helps to write immutable class in Java which are a good choice in multi-threading
5. Encapsulation reduce coupling of modules and increase cohesion inside a module because all piece of one thing
are encapsulated in one place.
6. Encapsulation allows you to change one part of code without affecting other part of code.
What should you encapsulate in code
Anythign which can be change and more likely to change in near future is candidate of Encapsulation. This also helps to write more specific and cohesive code. Example of this is object creation code, code which can be improved in future like sorting and searching logic.

Important points aboue encapsulation in Java.

1. "Whatever changes encapsulate it" is a famous design princple.
2. Encapsulation helps in loose coupling and high cohesion of code.
3. Encpasulation in Java is achieved using access modifier private, protected and public.
4. Factory pattern , Singleton pattern in Java makes good use of Encapsulation.

Abstraction in Java or Object oriented programming is a way to segregate implementation from interface
Abstraction in Java is achieved by  using interface and abstract class in Java.
1) Use abstraction if you know something needs to be in class but implementation of that varies.
2) In Java you can not create instance of abstract class , its compiler error.
3) abstract is a keyword in java.
4) a class automatically becomes abstract class when any of its method declared as abstract.
5) abstract method doesn't have method body.
6) variable can not be made abstract , its only behavior or methods which would be abstract.
7) If a class extends an abstract class or interface it has to provide implementation to all its abstract method to be a concrete class. alternatively this class can also be abstract.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Java 5 nad 6 features

String (String Pool,Immutable,Other Concepts,String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder)

What is String literal pool:

There are two ways to create a String object in Java:
  • Using the new operator. For example,
    String str = new String("Hello");.
  • Using a string literal or constant expression). For example,
    String str="Hello"; (string literal) or
    String str="Hel" + "lo"; (string constant expression).            
     The creation of two strings with the same sequence of letters without the use of the new keyword will create pointers to the same String in the Java String literal pool. The String literal pool is a way Java conserves resources. 
    If we use the new keyword then String will not be placed in the String pool but then we can use String's intern() method to place that object in the String pool.
    Unfortunately, when you use
    String a=new String("Hello");
    a String object is created out of the String literal pool, even if an equal string already exists in the pool.
    Each time your code create a string literal, the JVM checks the string literal pool first. If the string already exists in the pool, a reference to the pooled instance returns. If the string does not exist in the pool, a new String object instantiates, then is placed in the pool. Java can make this optimization since strings are immutable and can be shared without fear of data corruption. For example
    public class Program
        public static void main(String[] args)
           String str1 = "Hello";  
           String str2 = "Hello"; 
           System.out.print(str1 == str2);
    The result is
    There is a table always maintaining a single reference 
    to each unique String object in the global string literal pool  ever 
    created by an instance of the runtime in order to optimize space.  That 
    means that they always have a reference to String objects in string 
    literal pool, therefore,  the string objects in the string literal pool 
    not eligible for garbage collection.
    Why String is Immutable or Final in JAVA:
     Security,Thread safety and String pool being primary reason of making String immutable,And for making immutable you need to make a class final also.
    1) Imagine StringPool facility without making string immutable , its not possible at all because in case of string pool one string object/literal e.g. "Test" has referenced by many reference variables , so if any one of them change the value others will be automatically gets affected i.e. lets say

    String A = "Test"
    String B = "Test"

    Now String B called "Test".toUpperCase() which change the same object into "TEST" , so A will also be "TEST" which is not desirable.

    2)String has been widely used as parameter for many Java classes e.g. for opening network connection, you can pass hostname and port number as string , you can pass database URL as string for opening database connection, you can open any file in Java by passing name of file as argument to File I/O classes.

    In case, if String is not immutable, this would lead serious security threat , I mean some one can access to any file for which he has authorization, and then can change the file name either deliberately or accidentally and gain access of those file. Because of immutability, you don't need to worry about those kind of threats. This reason also gel with, Why String is final in Java, by making java.lang.String final, Java designer ensured that no one overrides any behavior of String class.

    3)Since String is immutable it can safely shared between many threads ,which is very important for multithreaded programming and to avoid any synchronization issues in Java, Immutability also makes String instance thread-safe in Java, means you don't need to synchronize String operation externally. Another important point to note about String is memory leak caused by SubString, which is not a thread related issues but something to be aware of.

    4) Another reason of Why String is immutable in Java is to allow String to cache its hashcode , being immutable String in Java caches its hashcode, and do not calculate every time we call hashcode method of String, which makes it very fast as hashmap key to be used in hashmap in Java.  This one is also suggested by  Jaroslav Sedlacek in comments below. In short because String is immutable, no one can change its contents once created which guarantees hashCode of String to be same on multiple invocation.

    5) Another good reason of Why String is immutable in Java suggested by Dan Bergh Johnsson on comments is: The absolutely most important reason that String is immutable is that it is used by the class loading mechanism, and thus have profound and fundamental security aspects. Had String been mutable, a request to load "" could have been changed to load "mil.vogoon.DiskErasingWriter"

    Java String interview Question

    1) What is String in Java ? Is String is data type?
    String in Java is not a primitive data type like int, long or double.  String is a class or in more simple term a user defined type. String is defined in java.lang package and wrappers its content in a character array.
    2) Why String is final in Java
    String is final by design in Java, some of the points which makes sense why String is final is Security, optimization and to maintain pool of String in Java.
    3) What is Difference between String and StringBuffer in Java
    Though String and Stringbuffer are two different class they are used in context of concatenating two Strings, Since String is immutable in Java every operation which changes String produces new String, which can be avoided by using Stringbuffer.
    4) What is difference in String on C and Java
    Well C String and Java String are completely different to each other, C String is a null terminated character array while String in Java is an Object
    5) Why char array is better than String for storing password?
    This String interview question is debatable and you might not agree with interviewer but this is also a chance to show that how deep and differently you can think of. One of the reason which people give Why you should store password in char array over String is related to immutability, since its not possible to remove erase contents of String but you can erase contents of char array. See Why char array preferred over String for password for complete discussion.
    6) How do you compare two String in Java ?
    There are multiple ways to compare two String like equals() method, equalsIgnoreCase() etc.Main thing which interviewer checks is that whether candidate mentioned equality operator or not "==", comparing String with equality operator is common mistake.
    7) Can we compare String using == operator? What is risk?
    Equality operator is used to compare primitives and equals() method should be used to compare objects. As we have seen in pitfall of autoboxing in Java that how equality operator can cause subtle issue while comparing primitive to Object, any way String is free from that issue because it doesn't have corresponding primitive type and not participate in autoboxing.In short always use equals method in Java to check equality of two String object.
    8) How substring method work in Java
    Substring shares same character array as original String which can create memory leak if original String is quite big and not required to retain in memory but unintentionally retained by substring which is very small in size and prevents large array from begin claimed during Garbage collection in Java. See How Substring works in Java for more details.
    10)What is String pool in Java
    Another tough Java question asked in  String interview. String pool is a special storage area in Java heap, mostly located on PerGen space, to store String literals like "abc". When Java program creates a new String using String literal, JVM checks for that String in pool and if String literal is already present in pool than same object is returned instead of creating a whole new object. String pool check is only performed when you create String as literal, if you create String using new() operator, a new String object will be created even if String with same content is available in pool.
    9) What does intern() method do in Java
    String object crated by new() operator is by default not added in String pool as opposed to String literal. intern() method allows to put an String object into pool.
    11) Does String is thread-safe in Java
    Since String is immutable, it is thread-safe and it can be shared between multiple thread without external synchronization.

     String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder:
    Many Java beginners not aware that String is immutable and final in Java and every modification in String result creates a new String object. So How do you manipulate String in Java without creating String garbage? StringBuilder and StringBuffer is answer of this question. StringBuffer is old class but StringBuilder is newly added in Java 5 along with major improvements like Enum, Generics, varargs methods and Autoboxing in Java.

    Differences between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java

    String in Java

    Before looking difference between String and StringBuffer or StringBuilder let’s see some fundamental properties of String Class in Java

    1) String is immutable in Java:  String is by design immutable in Java.Immutability offers lot of benefit to the String class e.g. his hashcode value can be cached which makes it a faster hashmap key and one of the reason why String is a popular key in HashMap. Because String is final it can be safely shared between multiple threads  without any extra synchronization.

    2) "+" operator is overloaded for String and used to concatenated two string. Internally "+" operation is implemented using either StringBuffer or StringBuilder.

    3) Strings are backed up by character Array and represented in UTF-16 format. By the way this behavior can cause memory leak in String because same character array is shared between source String and SubString which can prevent source String from being garbage collected.

    4) String class overrides equals() and hashcode() method and two Strings are considered to be equal if they contain exactly same character in same order and in same case. If you want ignore case comparison of two strings consider using equalsIgnoreCase() method. Another worth noting point is that equals method must be consistent with compareTo() method for String because SortedSet and SortedMap e.g. TreeMap uses compareTo method to compare String in Java.

    5) toString() method provides String representation of any object and its declared in Object class and its recommended for other class to implement this and provide String representation.

    6) In Java you can create String from char array, byte array, another string, from StringBuffer or from StringBuilder. Java String class provides constructor for all of these.

    Differences between String and StringBuffer in Java

    Main difference between String and StringBuffer is String is immutable while StringBuffer is mutable means you can modify a StringBuffer object once you created it without creating any new object. This mutable property makes StringBuffer an ideal choice for dealing with Strings in Java. You can convert a StringBuffer into String by its toString() method.

    Difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer in Java

    StringBuffer is very good with mutable String but it has one disadvantage all its public methods are synchronized which makes it thread-safe but same time slow. In JDK 5 they provided similar class called StringBuilder in Java which is a copy of StringBuffer but without synchronization. Try to use StringBuilder whenever possible it performs better in most of cases than StringBuffer class. You can also use "+" for concatenating two string because "+" operation is internal implemented using either StringBuffer or StringBuilder in Java.

Final keyword in JAVA.Can be used with variables,methods and classes:

Final is a keyword or reserved word in java and can be applied to member variables, methods, class and local variables in Java.
Final variables are often declare with static keyword in java and treated as constant. Here is an example of final variable in Java

public static final String LOAN = "loan";
LOAN = new String("loan") //invalid compilation error

Final methods can not be overridden in subclasses.Final methods are faster than non-final methods because they are not required to be resolved during run-time and they are bonded on compile time.
Final class is complete in nature and can not be sub-classed or inherited. Several classes in Java are final e.g. String, Integer and other wrapper classes.

Benefits of final keyword in Java

1. Final keyword improves performance. Not just JVM can cache final variable but also application can cache frequently use final variables.
2. Final variables are safe to share in multi-threading environment without additional synchronization overhead.
3. Final keyword allows JVM to optimized method, variable or class.

Important points on final in Java

1. Final keyword can be applied to member variable, local variable, method or class in Java.
2. Final member variable must be initialized at the time of declaration or inside constructor, failure to do so will result in compilation error.

3. You can not reassign value to final variable in Java.

4. Local final variable must be initializing during declaration.

5. Only final variable is accessible inside anonymous class in Java.

6. Final method can not be overridden in Java.

7. Final class can not be inheritable in Java.

10. All variable declared inside java interface are implicitly final.

12. Final methods are bonded during compile time also called static binding.

13. Final variables which is not initialized during declaration are called blank final variable and must be initialized on all constructor either explicitly or by calling this(). Failure to do so compiler will complain as "final variable (name) might not be initialized".

16. Making a collection reference variable final means only reference can not be changed but you can add, remove or change object inside collection. For example:

private final List Loans = new ArrayList();
list.add(“home loan”);  //valid
list.add("personal loan"); //valid
loans = new Vector();  //not valid

Friday, July 5, 2013

JVM Internals

Each time a Java Application is executed then an instance of JVM ,responsible for its running,is created.A JVM instance is described in terms of subsystems, memory areas, data types, and instructions.The block diagram given below,depicts a view of Internal Architecture of JVM :

While executing a Java program,a JVM requires memory for storing bytecodes,objects ,local variables,method arguments,return values,intermediate computational results and JVM does that memory management on several runtime data areas.
Each instance of the Java virtual machine has one method area and one heap. These areas are shared by all threads running inside the virtual machine. When the virtual machine loads a class file, it parses information about a type from the binary data contained in the class file. It places this type information into the method area. As the program runs, the virtual machine places all objects the program instantiates onto the heap.
A thread's Java stack stores the state of Java (not native) method which includes its local variables, the parameters with which it was invoked, its return value (if any), and intermediate calculations. The state of native method invocations is stored in an implementation-dependent way in native method stacks, in registers or other implementation-dependent memory areas.
A thread's Java stack stores the state of Java (not native) method which includes its local variables, the parameters with which it was invoked, its return value (if any), and intermediate calculations. The state of native method invocations is stored in an implementation-dependent way in native method stacks, in registers or other implementation-dependent memory areas.

Class Loader And Its Responsibilities:
The class loaders can be of two types: a bootstrap or primordial class loader and user defined class loaderEach JVM has a bootstrap class loader which loads trusted classes , including classes from Java API.JVM specs do not tell how to locate these classes and is left to implementation designers.

Heap And Stack:
The heap is the part of memory of JVM where all objects reside.
The stack is consisted of stack frames.When a thread invokes a method,the JVM pushes a new frame onto that thread's Java stack.Each stack frame is consisted of operand stack and the local variable array.All arguments,local variables,intermediate computations and return values if any are kept in these stack corresponding to the method invoked.The stack frame on the top of the stack is called the active stack frame,which is the current place of execution.When the method completes, the virtual machine pops and discards the frame for that method.

How Java Program executes inside JVM:
When JVM executes a Java application, a runtime instance of JVM is born.This runtime instance invoke main() method of Java application.The main() method of an application serves as the starting point for that application's initial thread. The initial thread can in turn fire off other threads.

This thread has a program counter(PC) and Java stack.Whenever main() method is invoked, a stack frame is pushed onto the stack,this then becomes the active tack frame.The program counter in the new Java stack frame will point to the beginning of the method.

There is only one heap corresponding to an instance of JVM and all objects created are stored here.This heap is shared by all threads created in an application.

Inside the Java virtual machine, threads come in two flavors: daemon and non- daemon. A daemon thread is ordinarily a thread used by the virtual machine itself, such as a thread that performs garbage collection. The application, however, can mark any threads it creates as daemon threads. The initial thread of an application--the one that begins at main()--is a non- daemon thread.

A Java application continues to execute (the virtual machine instance continues to live) as long as any non-daemon threads are still running. When all non-daemon threads of a Java application terminate, the virtual machine instance will exit. If permitted by the security manager, the application can also cause its own demise by invoking the exit() method of class Runtime or System.

When main() returns,it terminates the application's only non-daemon thread, which causes the virtual machine instance to exit. 

How JVM performs Thread synchronization:
JVM associates a lock with an object or a class to achieve mutilthreading. A lock is like a token or privilege that only one thread can "possess" at any one time.
The JVM uses locks in conjunction with monitors. A monitor is basically a guardian in that it watches over a sequence of code, making sure only one thread at a time executes the code.Each monitor is associated with an object reference. It is the responsibility of monitor to watch an arriving thread must obtain a lock on the referenced object.
In Java language terminology, the coordination of multiple threads that must access shared data is called synchronization. The language provides two built-in ways to synchronize access to data: with synchronized statements or synchronized methods.
For an instance method, the JVM acquires the lock associated with the object upon which the method is being invoked. For a class method, it acquires the lock associated with the class to which the method belongs. After a synchronized method completes, whether it completes by returning or by throwing an exception, the lock is released.
Two opcodes, monitorenter and monitorexit are used by JVM for accomplishing this task.

How JVM performs Garbage Collection:
Whenever a reference to an object on heap lies dangling or no longer in use by an active program then it becomes eligible for being garbage collected by JVM.JVM specifications do not force any specific kind of garbage collection algorithm though there are several algorithms like reference counting,tracing,compacting,copying,generational etc. in place.
Try using -Xaprof to get a profile of the allocations (objects and sizes) of your application.

Also try -agentlib:hprof=heap=all (or other option, try -agentlib:hprof=help for a list) 

An application has running lot of threads and running out of memory.WHY?:
You may be running into a problem with the default stack size for threads. In Java SE 6, the default on Sparc is 512k in the 32-bit VM, and 1024k in the 64-bit VM. On x86 Solaris/Linux it is 320k in the 32-bit VM and 1024k in the 64-bit VM.

On Windows, the default thread stack size is read from the binary (java.exe). As of Java SE 6, this value is 320k in the 32-bit VM and 1024k in the 64-bit VM.

You can reduce your stack size by running with the -Xss option. For example:

java -server -Xss64k

Note that on some versions of Windows, the OS may round up thread stack sizes using very coarse granularity. If the requested size is less than the default size by 1K or more, the stack size is rounded up to the default; otherwise, the stack size is rounded up to a multiple of 1 MB.

64k is the least amount of stack space allowed per thread.

Difference between JRE, JVM and JDK:
A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is a prerequisite for running Java applications on any computer.A JRE contains a Java Virtual Machine(JVM),all standard,core java classes and runtime libraries. It does not contain any development tools such as compiler, debugger, etc. JDK(Java Development Kit) is a whole package required to Java Development which essentially contains JRE+JVM,and tools required to compile and debug,execute Java applications.